19 Languages
Available in English, Spanish, French, Danish, Norwegian, Chinese, Persian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Russian, Portuguese, Serbian, Japanese, Arabic, Swedish, Italian, Thai, Polish.
Customized dashboards to gain insights into the most relevant metrics for your business and industry.
Optimum cloud security and data backup.
User Friendly
Real Time Alerts
Device Agnostic
Fast to install and easy to use. Compatible across all your systems and devices.
Instant alerts and notifications to take quick action.
Compatible across all your devices and systems.
Automated Reports
User Levels
Create customized and easy to use automated reports for each employee according to their role and level.
Customized dashboards for different roles from the executive to the store level.
Simplify your decision making with accurate data insights

Customized KPIs
Choose from over 200+ KPIs to get a complete overview of all your business performance with metrics such as draw-in rate, in and out traffic, transactions, conversion rate, average transaction value (ATV), sales, and more.
Location Analysis
Measure the performance of different locations with insights into performance analysis, hourly visitor statistics, group analysis, real-time occupancy, and wifi analytics.
Store Optimizer
Optimize your location performance by scheduling the right amount of staff to ensure customer satisfaction and prevent lost sales.
Marketing Campaign Analysis
Measure the effectiveness of your online and offline marketing campaigns to see how much traffic your campaign drove to your store.