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Queue Management

Say Goodbye to Long Queues

Minimize the time your customers spend waiting in line at checkouts to increase customer satisfaction and boost sales.

Queue Management

A short queue and waiting time at checkout are key factors to improving customer experience and encouraging spending. 1 in every 3 potential customers leaves the store if they have to wait for more than 5 minutes to pay, and retailers may experience revenue losses of up to 45% due to long queues.

V-Count’s smart queue management system minimizes the time customers spend waiting at checkout queues to provide the most effective customer service and increase sales.

Track Real-Time Visitor Traffic

What Is a Queue Management System?

Queue Management System

Benefits of Queue Management System

Unlock The Power of In-Store Data

benefit minimize queue waiting

Minimize Queue Waiting Times

Calculate the average time your customers spend waiting at checkout queues and how many shoppers leave to define the optimal checkout queue length and minimize waiting times.

benefit optimize staff allocation

Optimize Staff Allocation

Avoid overcrowded checkout queues by opening more or fewer cash registers and allocating your staff according to peak or slow hours for a better customer experience.

benefit eliminate abandonment

Eliminate Abandonment

Prevent abandonment by minimizing your customers’ waiting time at checkout queues to improve customer satisfaction and avoid revenue losses.

benefit increase customer loyalty

Increase Customer Loyalty

Provide exceptional customer service and optimize every step of your shoppers’ journey by improving your checkout operations to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.


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