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Reduce check-in lines, ensure optimal staffing at restaurants and bars, and improve visitor satisfaction by leveraging our cutting-edge hotel people counter & analytics solutions.

All the best hotels have very similar amenities and top-class features. As a result, when it comes to satisfying guests and ensuring that they become recurring customers, it is the little things that count. How long was the line at check-in? How quickly did room service show up? How rowdy was the buffet room? To keep your hotel running smoothly and deploy staff efficiently, our hotel visitor counters and analytics software are very effective.


People Counting Benefits for Hotels

Measure real-time occupancy

Measure real-time occupancy

Count the number of guests in the hotel in real time. Compare recent data with past data to measure performance.

Determine peak seasons

Determine peak seasons

Predict busy periods and prepare accordingly. Hotel analytics software will help you to restock supplies, ensure optimal staffing, and schedule new marketing initiatives for the busiest periods.

Gym and restaurant counting

Gym and restaurant counting

Know how many people are in the restaurant, gym, hotel lounge, and business center at all times. Find out the popular areas and maximize them.



Compare a hotel’s performance with that of counterparts in the franchise. Replicate effective strategies across the board.

Queue Management Benefits for Hotels

Avoid crowding in common areas

Avoid crowding in common areas

Our hotel traffic analytics system will notify you when common areas are starting to get overcrowded on busy days. Deploy staff as needed to handle the increase in traffic.

Reduce queues at check-in

Reduce queues at check-in

Leverage the queue analysis system to reduce wait times during check-in and check-out. Move guests from the reception to their rooms as quickly as possible.


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